What it Does

  1. Link Siro recordings on SalesRabbit pins. When you record, either through Siro or SalesRabbit, Siro automatically adds the link for each recording to the corresponding pin in SalesRabbit. This lets you open the last Siro recording associated with any lead directly inside SalesRabbit. The text “Siro Linked ✅” is added automatically to the notes field of any linked pin.
  2. COMING AUGUST 2024: Enable recording directly from SalesRabbit. Instead of switching apps to create pins and record, you can record directly from SalesRabbit. ****




  1. You must be either an ‘Admin’ or an ‘Owner’ on your SalesRabbit account
  2. You must have a subscription tier higher than basic

1. Create a custom lead field for Siro

2. Create a recording link for the siro app